Stakeholder Zone
To establish communication channel which BRAVE seeks to form fluent communication and good cooperation with all stakeholders like employees, clientele, investors, suppliers and other stakeholders, with respect and legitimate rights, we’d like to provide below information to stakeholders:
Clientele Policy Execution
To provide the best services and products, your opinion and input on devoted quality improvement and technical expertise. To accomplish the goal of customer satisfaction, we employ 「Customer Satisfaction Survey」mechanism as the basis to understand and improve the level of satisfaction. We also employ 「Customer Complaints Handling」 mechanism so complaints can be dealt with appropriately, swiftly and preventively.
Employee Right and Employment Care
「Rules of Conduct」and relevant employee management measures which clearly specify employee rights, obligations and benefits, are established and implemented in accordance with government rules and regulation. Periodic review and revision is carried out to maintain employee rights. Open communication channel is provided so employees can express their opinions via email, telephone or in person.
Shareholder and Investors
In accordance to the law and the duty of disclosure, BRAVE sets up spokesperson mechanism and nominates specific person to handle the disclosure the contents of BRAVE’s official website, Market Observation Market System.
Supplier Management
When choosing suppliers, BRAVE upholds transparency in procurement and strictly requires all staffs to abide by the law and company regulations, not to offer, take, promise or request money, gifts, services, treatments, entertainment or any kinds of benefits.
Stakeholder Complaints/Report Filing
If you have suggestion regarding BRAVE’s business ethics, business conducts and integrity related issues, or discover BRAVE’s employees or suppliers involved in the behavior for breaching of business integrity, please refer below for contact method:
Report Filing: bravescreen@bch.com.tw |
Contact person for Intellectual Property Management:
If you have any questions or suggestions for the operations and execution of our Intellectual Property Management , please contact : IPscreen@bch.com.tw
+886 3 3295666
+886 3 3297111
No.31, Ln. 17, Ziqiang N. Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City , Taiwan
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